DEAD HOPE Kindle Countdown Deal 8-14 May 2017

Psssst! Stop press! I’ve put DEAD HOPE on a Kindle Countdown Deal for one week only. If you haven’t got your Kindle copy yet and you live in the UK or US, you can get it from today until Sunday midnight for only 99p. Or 99c!

The reviewers say it’s jaw-dropping, compelling, and un-put-down-able. Why not judge for yourself?


Happy reading! 😀


One response to “DEAD HOPE Kindle Countdown Deal 8-14 May 2017

  1. It’s already in my TBR pile! I’m not reading too much at the moment as the end of novel 3’s first draft is looming and keeping me occupied! What’s next for you? Is it the other book you were drafting at the same time (if I’ve remembered correctly!) xx

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