Category Archives: Nicky’s Guest Blogs Elsewhere

Love crime, but couldn’t write it? Guest blogging with @GaryKassay today!

Yes, that’s right. I love crime. I really do.  Well, not actual crime.  Not physical crime, the real thing. Of course not! Goodness, no. That frightens me. I may be odd, but I’m not that odd.

What I mean is that I love reading crime fiction. Someone congratulated me on coming out of the closet on this one, but I’ve actually always read crime, for as long as I can remember.  (Don’t laugh! Don’t The Famous Five count as children’s crime fiction?  There’s always a bad guy doing bad things in there!  Right?)

Anyway, while I love reading it, I couldn’t write it. And that’s exactly what I am guest blogging about today at fellow Sapphire Star Publishing author and crime-writer Gary Kassay’s blog.  Pop on over and check out what I have to say! There’s quite a discussion going already so don’t be shy… tell us what you think about crime fiction, reading vs. writing!

~Nicky x 🙂

I’m a Spring Author @StephanieKeyes blog today!

I’m travelling all the way across the pond this morning to meet with the lovely Stephanie Keyes for the Spring Author Series that she’s running on her blog.  Pop on over and find out why seafood features so heavily in my writing…

A big Thank You to Stephanie for hosting me today, and I hope you’ll stop by and join the party.  Cheerio,

~Nicky 🙂 xx

Author to Author: Today, I’m blogging at Elle Amberley’s wonderful website

Hello there!  You have probably seen this already, considering that in my great excitement, I have plastered it all over Facebook and Twitter before even thinking of my own blog… Yes, you must forgive me! Only two days away, and my brain fails to resume normal logical and customary steps.  Anyway.  Without further ado, let’s get to the heart of the matter!

Today, it is my tremendous pleasure to visit the amazing Elle Amberley for an author to author interview. I had such fun answering the questions… Find out that I don’t write at my desk any more, and why!

Please come and join us and feel free to comment! Would love to see you there, and am sending a BIG THANKS to Elle not only for having me, but also for rescheduling when I had a little locational clash.  You rock, Elle! XX

At alchemyofscrawl today, Nicky Wells guest-blogs on a slightly different topic: Insomnia

I may be a serial novelist (or at least, one in the making!) but I am also a serial insomniac.

Today, it is my privilege and my honour to share my experiences and a couple of anecdotes on Coral Russell’s wonderful blog, alchemyofscrawl.  Please stop by and say hello… perhaps insomnia is something that you’re familiar with?  Or maybe something that never bothers you at all?  Would love to hear from you!


Nicky Wells visits The Littlereader Library and Private Detective Ian MacGregger today!

I’m doing my infamous double act again, featuring in two places all at once today:  The Littlereader Library and Ian MacGregger’s blog!

First of all, it is my great pleasure to visit Lindsay Healy’s wonderful blog, The Littlereader Library.

Lindsay has very kindly reviewed Sophie’s Turn  and she feels that “The author has penned an enjoyable, light romantic novel with some entertaining comedy moments, and there is a palpable chemistry between Sophie and Dan!”  I am truly honoured and delighted that Lindsay enjoyed my debut novel and that she is keenly anticipating the sequel!  You can read the full review here.

Moreover, Lindsay is also hosting me for an interview and you can find out about my favourite music, the sequel to Sophie’s Turn, and my favourite reads right here.

Thank you so much to Lindsay for featuring me on her blog.  Please do join me there and say hello!  Lindsay is an Associate Reader at the innovative author/reader project,

And secondly…  A while back, a certain Ian MacGregger put out a call on Twitter asking authors to share where and when inspiration strikes them.  Well, you know me, I always have a story to tell, so I fired off my instant response to him.  The outcome of the resulting Twitter exchange is a guest blog I wrote for his Private Detective blog… a totally new environment for this here romance writer, and very exciting.  Please do stop by and take a look!  Thank you, Ian, for inviting me on your blog.  It’s a real pleasure to be there! XX

And now for something completely different… Nicky guest-blogs about numeracy!

A long while back, a friend asked me to contribute to a newly set-up numeracy blog.  I promised to think about it and then, in all the excitement about publishing Sophie’s Turn, I got washed away by the tide and completely forgot.  And in all honesty, I didn’t really know what a blog was back then, or what was required of me.  Hear, hear, the musings of a technophobe!

Never one to bear a grudge, this friend (you know who you are!) very patiently talked me through the process of creating my own blog and, and a few months later, once again asked me to blog about numeracy.  This time, I actually knew what she wanted of me, and I had a good look round the blog in question, and I got writing.

So… what does Nicky have to say about numeracy?  Well, basically I’m just sharing a few anecdotes about playful numeracy interactions with my children at my house.  Entitled “Numeracy is a Piece of Cake,” I describe how my six-year old was keen on understanding percentages (and later, fractions), and what we did about his questions.  Needless to say, my four year-old got involved as well!  So the upshot, for me is, that sometimes opportunities for stimulating your children’s learning (numeracy or otherwise) present themselves, and if you have the time and the props, you can foster some fantastic learning experiences.  And no, you don’t need to be a trained teacher!   Check out what I have to say at Mathsinsider.

A Great Big Thanks goes  to Caroline Mukisa for hosting this guest post, and for some terrific editing and beautifying of said post.  It’s an honour to visit your blog, and I hope to come back again soon.

Cheerio! x

Lounging round Pauline’s pool today… talking about long manes and deep voices. Nicky Wells and Sophie’s Turn…

Well, now, I’ve had quite a day.  Not only have I been off to Australia, I’m also visiting Pauline Barclay’s blog, Scribbles!, for a comfy lounge around the pool.  What are we talking about, you want to know?  Long manes and deep voices!  Or, to be more precise, how my weak spot for rock singers led me to write cracking rock star romance, Sophie’s Turn.  Visit Scribbles! to find out more.  Thanks so much to Pauline for inviting me for a chat! Have a sunny day and rock on, everybody….

Nicky Wells tells The Review Girl all about creating and developing a lead character….

Today, it is my great pleasure to post a guest-blog on The Review Girl as part of the virtual book tour for Sophie’s Turn.  When Komal contacted me and suggested I should write a guest blog on writing and developing a main character, my first reaction was one of despair.  I’m not a ‘trained’ writer as  such, have never been to any writing courses, and have never tried to teach  anybody else to write.  What I do, is write.  So how could I possibly offer a  guest blog on this subject?

Well, it turned out to be quite easy, once I thought about it.  Visit The Review Girl to read my guest blog…and even see a little artifact from my archives of Sophie’s Turn!

Thanks to Komal for hosting a guest blog on her site–I am delighted to be there and look forward to seeing you all there, too. 🙂

Nicky Wells visits Mandy Baggot for a “Meet and Greet”

This week, I have the pleasure and the privilege of visiting Mandy Baggot for one of Mandy’s very special ‘Meet and Greet’ features.  I met Mandy (virtually) very early on in my virtual book tour for Sophie’s Turn, and Mandy was enthusiastic about the idea of welcoming me to her blog…  Next thing I know, she forwarded me this incredible set of questions to find out more about what I do and how I do it.  In particular, Mandy wanted to know about my writing dream… see what I said at

Thank you, Mandy, for this fabulous opportunity.  I really enjoy being your guest!


Nicky xx 🙂

Nicky Wells reveals how “Sophie’s Turn” was born with a quite different title… in a brand-new guest blog on Chick Lit Central (with give-away)!

Hello chick lit lovers!  Today, it is my great pleasure to post a guest-blog on the fabulous chick lit blog, Chick Lit Central.  The wonderful people behind Chick Lit Central–especially the two Melissas–were among the very first to agree, way back in July, to help this here indie author promote her book, in the first instance through this guest blog (with give-away!) and also through a review later in the year.  And, in fact, this is the very first guest blog I ever wrote (even though I’ve published a couple in the meantime)!  So a big, fat, huuuuge, Thank You to Chick Lit Central for their encouragement and unfailing support.  Guys, you really gave me courage when I first dipped my toes into the indie waters!

Right, enough of the prelims… What is this post all about then?  Titled “Turning the Title,” this guest blog considers how Sophie’s Turn didn’t actually see the light of day being called Sophie’s Turn at all! So what happened?  Find out all about the original title and its evolution here:!

In addition, there is a give-away associated with my post on Chick Lit Central and there are TWO e-copies of Sophie’s Turn up for grabs.  The competition is live now and ends on 25 September.  Visit Chick Lit Central to find out how to enter.  I see there is quite a bit of interest already: Rock on, folks!  Good luck to all entrants.

Cheerio and take care… 🙂