Category Archives: Authors @ Sapphire Star Publishing

CentreStage: COVER REVEAL for LOST TO YOU by A.L. Jackson @aljacksonbooks

Welcome to CentreStage!


Today, I have a very special post for you…

Cover reveal:
by A.L. Jackson

Yes, my fabulous Sapphire Star Publishing sister, the one and only A.L. Jackson, has swiftly, lovingly and efficiently written a novella, Lost to You, the Prequel to her best-selling romance, Take This Regret.

Ready for the cover?


GOOOORGEOUS! Huge congratulations on a mesmerizing and totally intriguing cover, A.L. Awesome! Now let’s hear the blurb…

People come into our lives. Some stay, and many go. Some build us up, while most tear us down. They become our friends, our enemies, our lovers, our tormentors.

Christian Davison came into mine, and I knew I’d never be the same.

To Elizabeth Ayers, New York City had always been a dream. She’s worked her entire young life to make it here.

Groomed to one day take over his father’s law firm, attending Columbia University was Christian Davison’s only option.

Neither wanted anything more until they sat across from each other at a café table after being paired as study partners.

Christian wants her, but Elizabeth knows better than to give into their intense attraction. Yet there is little she can do to stay away.

Lost to You, the prequel to the bestselling romance, Take This Regret. A New Adult novella, recommended for readers 17+. It’s unnecessary to have read Take This Regret to enjoy Lost to You.

And best of all… Lost to You is out in e-book format on 31 January!!! Can’t wait! Congrats again and Rock On!!!

Hall of Fame Double Book Launch Party: Gary Kassay and Amy Gregory

Roll out the red carpet!
Bring out the champagne!
It’s time to enter the Hall of Fame!

Hall of Fame

It’s only the third of January and already we have cause for celebration! Yes, it’s a double launch day over at Sapphire Star Publishing today. Give it up for my brother-and-sister-in-publishing, Gary Kassay and Amy Gregory, who are both launching their second books today. Over to you guys!

Gary Kassay presents:
Murder by Prophecy!

First I want to thank one of my fellow authors from Sapphire Star Publishing, Nicky Wells, for inviting me to say a few words on the release of the second book in the Duke Becker Series. It and the first book are available on paperback and Kindle, paperback and Kindle, Barnes & and in many other places.

My first book was titled Murder in Silence and it follows a specialized group of Detectives that work out of Special Investigation Homicide for the NYPD.  The unit is headed by Inspector Duke Becker, a man who doesn’t wear a rumpled trench coat, suck on a lollipop or is wealthy and doing the job for kicks.  Becker is a cop, plain and simple who catches killers…no matter what it takes.

In his squad is an eclectic group of detectives, all who have a specialty that helps Becker in solving high-profile, unusual murders that occur in the City of New York.

Murder in Silence has Becker and his squad facing a killer who is targeting police officers. The police officers appear to have nothing in common, didn’t serve together and did not know each other either on or off the job. There are no witnesses or clues to the brutal murders except for two clues that don’t seem to make any sense.  The victims are killed by having their throats torn open but…the wounds are surgically clean and the part of the throat torn out is never recovered.  The second mysterious clue is that saliva from the canine family has been discovered in the wounds, and the saliva is from different animals. Becker and his squad must discover not only who the killer is but the motive behind the killings.


The second book in the series is titled Murder by Prophecy and is a story about revenge that will spark feelings in anyone with a heart.

A man is falsely imprisoned and while in prison, his wife, son and daughter are brutally killed by a crazed addict.  But the addict is not the true culprit.  If not for a certain group of men, more concerned with making a buck instead of basic human rights, this man would not have gone to prison and his family would not have died.

The Chief of the NYPD receives poems…prophecies of death and calls in Becker and his squad to unravel the mystery.  Becker knows there is more to the story than the Chief is revealing. He must work the homicides, the deaths of prominent men, killed in brutal and different ways without the Chief’s help and still keeping his job.

Becker has an outstanding record for solving homicides but it just may be that this time he will be outwitted.  The race is on to discover who the Prophet is, why he is killing men in so many brutal ways and who is next on the Prophet’s list.

The Ex-Cop-turned-Crime-Writer: about Gary Kassay

Gary Kassay, author of the Duke Becker Series, is a former member of the NYPD Transit K-9 Unit.  Besides a career as a Police Officer, he has been the owner of a commercial photo company, an X-ray tech for humans and animals, and a TSA employee. He now resides in Casper, Wyoming with his wife Raella, three dogs, and one black cat.

When Gary is not working on the next installment of his Duke Becker series, he enjoys spending quiet times with his wife, writing the Duke Becker series, reading, and when there isn’t snow on the ground, a good round of golf.

You can follow Gary on Twitter and on Facebook, visit his website or blog. Gary also has an author page at Sapphire Star Publishing and a Murder in Silence fan page on Facebook.

Crime written by an ex cop: the epitome of ‘write what you know’! Do you have any questions for Gary? Let’s hear them…

Racing to Love ~ Jesse’s Soul:
The fabulous Amy Gregory continues her story…


Jesse Frost lived the life most men would kill for. Fast bikes, fame, money, and looks. He hadn’t thought much about those things throughout his career. He was just an easy-going guy from Texas who always worked hard for everything he got in life. He’d been the shy guy in school, so when the prom queen found him years later, he thought he had finally made it. Her mirage, however, left him empty and certain there was no one that wanted him just for the man inside.

Emery Kincaid has a last name that is revered in their world. A woman in a man’s world and succeeding, Irish through and through, she has the temper and sass to boot and a reputation that precedes her. She has remained strong because she’s had no other choice. The pain she masks runs deep and hiding it is the only way she can survive.

Thrown together and forced to be in each other’s space day in and day out, sparks start to fly—from chemistry and the brakes she tries desperately to throw on. Without a doubt, Jesse thinks he’s found her, but the girl that stole his heart has a stubborn streak a country mile wide.

What Jesse doesn’t know could break his heart. Hiding her true feelings for him is the only way for Emery to protect him and in turn—herself. She barely made it out the first time. If she let Jesse in and he walked away…well, that’s a risk her heart can’t take.

“By expertly weaving the lives of all her “boys” into the story, the end will
leave you smiling through your tears. Racing To Love ~ Jesse’s Soul puts Amy
Gregory in the number one spot on the podium!” ~Katie Mettner

Racing to Love ~ Jesse’s Soul is available in Kindle and paperback, Kindle and paperback, Barnes & Noble and many other places. Rock on!

Awesome! I love a great romance and I can’t wait to get tucked into this second part of Jesse’s story!

 About Amy Gregory…

author pic color

Amy Gregory leads an incredibly active lifestyle in Kansas City with her husband and their three fantastic kids who keep them running in three very different directions.  When she’s not rushing her oldest daughter to tumbling, her youngest daughter to music lessons, or sitting track-side watching her son practice motocross, she’s taking the few minutes in between to scribble the next pages in her Racing to Love series.  When asked, “When do you have time to write?” Amy Gregory giggles.  “In bits and pieces,” she says.

Amy is known for her snarky, off the cuff sense of humor, which you’ll find shining through in the characters she’s created.  I’ve spent my whole life trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, and now I’ve finally found it. – Amy Gregory

Find out more about Amy on her blog, or on her Sapphire Star Publishing author page.  Amy is also on Goodreads and you can find her on Twitter and Facebook.

Crime and Romance! Open that champagne, my friends, and let’s toast these two amazing authors!  HAPPY LAUNCH DAY !!**Cheers** 

CentreStage proudly presents: COVER REVEAL for Never Alone by Linn B Halton

Welcome to CentreStage!

CentreStage showcases amazingly talented authors from around the world. These authors might share with you their inspiration for writing, news about their books or… their brand new, hot-of-the-press book covers!

Today, it is my enormous pleasure to welcome my friend and go-to-person for all things authorly, the fantabulous Linn B. Halton, with the cover reveal for her next bestseller, Never Alone!

Cover reveal for Never Alone
and Top Tips for keeping your man happy!

I’m doing a fab splash around some wonderful blogs and websites to celebrate a brand new shiny cover, hot off the press. This story is full of heart and a young woman, Holly Atherton, who doesn’t want to say ‘yes’ to having that wedding ring placed on her finger. Even though Will is the love of her life and absolutely gorgeous!

Never Alone is being released in January 2013 and it’s a story of true love, but as we all know the path is never easy. Keep reading to find out how you can win an advance copy to be sent out in December 2012.

Before I tell you all about Holly’s story I wanted to ask my lovely host, the fabulous and talented rock-chic author, Nicky Wells, what top tip she has for keeping a partner happy. Of course, I couldn’t ask that question if I wasn’t prepared to spill the beans myself….

Set aside ‘together’ time, whether that’s an evening out or a short-break away, as long as it’s romantic! Think of it as a date, or if you are going away together re-kindling your ‘affair’. Don’t let ife get in the way!

So, Nicky, what’s your little secret?

I’d say… Recognize the lovely inner child in your man! Thank him for helping out around the house or in the kitchen (and for God’s sake don’t let him see you go round after him doing the job properly!), and let the little temper tantrums and niggles wash right over you… Bliss.

Thank you, Nicky, duly noted (soooo true!) and added to my growing list of ‘Ways to Please Your Man’ – sounds like a new book to me! Ha! Ha!

Holly Atherton has a  seemingly perfect life, until suddenly it  all beings to unravel. She has spent her life living up to other people’s expectations of her, trying to please them.

She has it all – the affluent family who dote on her, a job she loves in her father’s business, and the perfect boyfriend. Will is a successful entrepreneur and they are about to start enjoying a lifestyle many can only dream about. His latest business deal will see them with homes in the UK and Los Angeles.

But what if you wake up one morning and find yourself wondering whether the path you are on is the one you are supposed to be taking? Is she too caught up in pleasing her parents and Will to take her future into her own hands?

When Holly’s psychic sensitivity begins to surface she doesn’t know how to handle it. Vivid dreams seem too real to ignore and she finds herself ‘talking’ to  Nick, the recently deceased brother of her best friend, Celia.

Just having someone to whom she can offload what she’s feeling helps and she feels happier moving forward with Will into their exciting new future and all seems well… the rest is coming soon!

Thank you for helping me to celebrate this cover reveal.
Simply leave your TOP TIP for keeping your man happy and 6 names will be randomly selected from the blogs taking part to receive an advance ecopy of Never Alone in December 2012.

Festive wishes to everyone! Linn

Awesome! HUGE congratulations on a fabulous cover and I can’t wait to read the story of Holly, Nick and Will. Rock on!

Visit Linn B Halton

A author
Signed by:
Twitter: @LinnBHalton
Facebook: Linn B Halton
Romantic Novelists’ Association page (buy) (buy)

Congrats again to Linn and… let’s hear your top tips for keeping your man happy!

Hall of Fame Celebration: Gary Kassay Launches Murder In Silence!

Roll out the red carpet!
Open the champagne!
It’s time to enter the Hall of Fame!

Please join us in celebrating as my fellow Sapphire Star Publishing author, Gary Kassay, launches Murder in Silence, the first book in the Duke Becker Series! I’m partial to a cracking crime thriller, so I can’t wait to get stuck into this one later today… Meanwhile, I give you:

Gary Kassay!!!

First I would like to thank Nicky Wells for inviting me to her Hall of Fame blog.  It is an honor to be included here and to be a part of the same family with Nicky, Sapphire Star Publishing.

You’re welcome, Gary, I’m excited you’re visiting today, on such a big and important day for you! Tell us a bit more about your work…

The first of the Duke Becker series, Murder in Silence, is being released on today!  Let me give you a little background on myself and the inspiration for Inspector Duke Becker.  Back in 1982 I was in training with the New York Transit Police Department for the Canine Unit.  The training was intense and probably the best time I ever had.  One day an event occurred and I immediately thought to myself what a great plot for a book! (No, I am not going to tell you what that event was…it would spoil everything.)  In any case, I thought about that book till 2004, 22 years of developing the plot, characters and dialogue.  The result is Murder in Silence and the sequels that will follow.

22 years… wow, Gary: good things come to those who wait! And what a fabulous cover! Can we have a little excerpt to get a flavour for what’s in store?

Of course! Here is a small sample from Murder in Silence…I hope you enjoy it!

The front door opened and Ms. Marielle Wilson, a.k.a. the Wicked Witch, entered Dudley’s looking as if she was ready for a night at the Academy Awards and this was the red carpet. She looked to be in her thirties, which I knew she wasn’t, with long, silky blond hair that framed her oval face. She was pretty, but way too thin for my taste. Her eyes were a very deep blue, probably colored contacts, and her lips were ruby red. I figured that she was about 5’10” without her heels, which now made her closer to 6’2″. Her dress was made of some iridescent material that sparkled and was the exact shade of blue as her eyes. There was no broomstick or flying monkeys present.

Somehow she must have known who I was because she walked directly up to me. I stood up. “Good evening, Ms. Wilson. Would you care for a drink or would you prefer we get a table for dinner?” She gave me a smile, which had the effect of sending chills down my spine. Something about those white, perfect teeth, of which there seemed to be too many, and the total insincerity in her smile made me think of her not as the Wicked Witch from Oz, but as a shark. Beautiful but dangerous.

“Actually, Inspector, I’m on my way to dinner with someone in…um…about twenty minutes, so let’s just stay here.”

At that moment, I was happy that we were on dry land because if we had been in the water, I had no doubt that I would be eaten alive.

Wow! I certainly did enjoy the excerpt, and can’t wait to read more on my Kindle tonight! Congrats on launch day, Gary, and I hope it goesfantastically well!

Murder in Silence is now available in Kindle and paperback editions from and

Let’s find out more about Gary Kassay, the man behind the book:

Gary Kassay, author of the Duke Becker Series, is a former member of the NYPD Transit K-9 Unit.  Besides a career as a Police Officer, he has been the owner of a commercial photo company, an X-ray tech for humans and animals, and a TSA employee. He now resides in Casper, Wyoming with his wife Raella, three dogs, and one black cat.

When Gary is not working on the next installment of his Duke Becker series, he enjoys spending quiet times with his wife, writing the Duke Becker series, reading, and when there isn’t snow on the ground, a good round of golf.

You can follow Gary on Twitter and on Facebook, visit his website or blog. Gary also has an author page at Sapphire Star Publishing and a Murder in Silence fan page on Facebook.

Now, then, crime written by an ex cop: the epitome of ‘write what you know’! Do you have any questions for Gary? Let’s hear them…

CentreStage with Amy Gregory: Racing to Love!

Welcome to CentreStageCentreStage showcases fantastic authors from around the world, introducing in particular fellow authors in the Sapphire Star Publishing family as well as fellow featured authors at  In this new, exciting feature, these authors might write for you about their lives, or their writing journey, or anything else that matters to them.  Every feature will be different in format and flavour, so watch out for a variety of stories and tales.

Today, it is my tremendous pleasure to welcome fellow Sapphire Star Publishing author Amy Gregory to this latest edition of CentreStage!

Hello, Amy! I am so thrilled that you are visiting today.  What have you got for us?

What have I got for you…?  Well, let me see.  Here’s a story about stories and voices in my family.  I call it:

Too Many Words???

As a mother of three children I’ve have often found myself trapped in places with one or more of them trying to talk to me.  When they were around the ages of three to five years old they started telling stories.  I figured out by the third child it was coming and I could not escape!  These stories would often take several long moments to tell as I would stand, force a smile and nod, waiting for the end that would take seemingly forever to make an appearance.

Then I would shake my head and wonder where they came up with it.  Most times their little stories were cute, some made me laugh my ass off, some just made me think they were telling me something just to hear the sound of their own voice as parts were told over and over again.

And then, um….oh yeah and, and, and…..

Well, as my people have grown older their stories have become more important in their lives and mine.  They’ve been published in school literary journals, have been asked to share with the rest of their school, have been nominated to student council because their stories and ideas are beneficial to others.

Recently my two younger children took part in an essay contest sponsored by our school district that feeds into a much larger program put on by the metro area.  They were asked to write about a person in their lives that matters to them and is a wonderful person to those around them.  With no help allowed, they were to explain why their person makes a difference to those around them.

So as a writer, it was quite an honor to have not one, but both of my children’s essays chosen.  Their stories, their words, and their voices that were put down on paper.  Their talent for writing that was selected amongst those in their classes.

With Mother’s Day approaching here in the States [editor’s note: at the time of writing], it reminds me of those little voices in the backseat of the car…um, oh yeah…and then you know what happened, Mom?  The giggles that would follow, the long pauses as they found more words to make up more parts to an already never-ending story.   Yes, I always knew what happened because they always told me, always had the words.  Always had another story ready when they finished the one before it.

Those stories seemed to take forever back then, but I can see for myself now how their creativity has found its way into their school work, and into their hobbies.  As a writer, I couldn’t be more proud.  As a mother I grin, hearing their little voices replayed in my head, their stories told over and over.  Pieces of the past I still giggle at every now again.

Um, umand then you know what happened?  

Amazing! So that’s what happened!  Thanks so much for sharing…
🙂 Now, then: tell us more about your upcoming novel, Racing to Love: Carter’s Treasure!

From the outside, Molly West had everything, beauty, brains, and a career she’d retired from not once, but twice.  Being in the limelight and in a sport that was male driven, she was often surrounded men.  She ignored first the boys, and as she got older, the men.  Unfortunately, they were all the same, all after one thing, and she had absolutely no use for them.  Her cold shoulder and patented not a chance in hell look were usually enough to get her point across.  Occasionally, she had to resort to her sass—and her brother.

Molly had no plans in changing what was a perfectly good system. That is until she walked into the pits.  When she stood toe-to-toe with the sex in jeans, she knew right then and there that the man her adoptive mother always told her was out there, was now standing right in front of her.

Carter Sterling had traveled the racing circuit since he was a boy.  He’d heard all the old standbys, She’s out there somewhere, love comes along when you least expect it.  Good things come to those that… Yeah, he’d heard them all.  The last place he expected to meet the love of his life was on a pro track.  All she did was smile, and he knew, looking into her sapphire blue eyes, Molly West was his.  Forever.

If it was only that easy.  From the moment he laid eyes on her, he had a gripping feeling in him.  An overwhelming need to protect her.  A girl he’d just met.  Carter had learned a long time ago that gut feelings are almost never wrong.

Molly now held his heart in her hands, but it was going to take a lot more than just love to protect her from the past she thought she’d buried a long time ago.

Absolutely intriguing, Amy, what an unusual setting!  This is so high on my wishlist!! I adore the cover, by the way, what a wonderful image for your book. Wow! Now tell us more about yourself…

About Amy Gregory

Amy Gregory leads an incredibly active lifestyle in Kansas City with her husband and their three fantastic kids who keep them running in three very different directions.  When she’s not rushing her oldest daughter to tumbling, her youngest daughter to music lessons, or sitting track-side watching her son practice motocross, she’s taking the few minutes in between to scribble the next pages in her Racing to Love series.

When asked, “When do you have time to write?” Amy Gregory giggles.  “In bits and pieces,” she says.

Amy is known for her snarky, off the cuff sense of humor, which you’ll find shining through in the characters she’s created.  Her debut novel, Racing to Love, Carter’s Treasure, is set for release June 7, 2012.

I’ve spent my whole life trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, and now I’ve finally found it. – Amy Gregory

Find out more about Amy on her blog, or on her Sapphire Star author page.  Amy is also on Goodreads and you can find her on Twitter and Facebook.

Thank you so much, Amy, for visiting today and introducing yourself and your novel, Racing to Love: Carter’s Treasure. It’s totally intriguing and I can’t wait for launch day.  I look forward to welcoming you back on 7 June in my Hall of Fame as part of your launch party!! Rock on! 🙂 xx

Now, dear reader, it’s your turn. Have you ever been told, “Too many words…?!?”

NEWSFLASH! Sapphire Star Publishing Signs “Sophie’s Turn” by Nicky Wells

YES! I want to shout it from the rooftops, and dance on the ceiling.  I want to sing and wave my hands in the air.  I am really excited to announce that I have signed my debut novel, Sophie’s Turn, with trailblazing new US publisher, Sapphire Star Publishing (SSP)!

When I first heard about SSP on Facebook early in January, I was immediately intrigued.  Who wouldn’t be, with a catching name and stunning logo like the sapphire star?  I checked out the company’s website and was even more interested: this looked just like my kind of organisation.  Sapphire Star Publishing is a small press publisher dedicated to bringing readers the finest fiction.  The company works closely with its authors to grant each publication the opportunity to reach its full potential.  Unsurprisingly, then, everyone at SSP is really passionate about books, dedicated and motivated, and highly professional. That’s an intriguing proposition, and I was instantly hooked.  And when I discovered that SSP was accepting submissions, well, I was off to my email in a flash.

I submitted Sophie’s Turn and quickly heard back:  would I consider sending the full manuscript?  Of course I would!  And just under two weeks later… last Friday, to be precise, I got the amazing email:  SSP loved Sophie’s Turn!

I literally sat stunned for a good few minutes, reading and re-reading the email several dozen times, trying to make sure that I understood right.  I believe I was then seen dancing round the dining room (which is where my laptop lives on a tiny desk, when I’m not actually writing) and through the lounge, seeming very excited but not making an awful lot of sense.  This was just the most terrific news, and an indescribable feeling of joy. I am simply thrilled to be joining the SSP family!

Now here’s the really important bit:  SSP will officially relaunch Sophie’s Turn on 6 September 2012!!  In the meantime, for a limited time only, Sophie’s Turn will continue to be available in Kindle edition from and until the end of March. After that, the novel will be temporarily unavailable until the official relaunch of Sophie’s Turn.

Stay tuned and sign up for ongoing updates and news on this blog.  Or visit Sapphire Star Publishing for further news and, of course, to meet the rest of the SSP family: A.L. Jackson; Amy Gregory; Gary Kassay; Mandy Baggot; Linn B. Halton; S. Blue Remy

Thanks for joining me today as I celebrate, and do keep in touch!
Cheerio from
–Nicky XX 🙂