CentreStage with Tricia Jones: On Sharing a Dream. No really, sharing. A Dream.

Welcome again to CentreStageCentreStage showcases fantastic authors from around the world, often introducing fellow featured authors at loveahappyending.com as well as my fellow authors in the Sapphire Star Publishing family.  On CentreStage, these authors might write for you about their lives, or their writing journey, or anything else that matters to them.  Every feature will be different in format and flavour, so watch out for a variety of stories and tales.

Today, it is my great pleasure to welcome loveahappyending.com featured author Tricia Jones! Tricia has a truly amazing experience to share today, and I am reeling from the wonder and astonishment of it all: a truly magical moment. So, here goes Tricia with…

Perchance to Dream!

A few weeks ago, I took off for a girlie shopping weekend with a group of friends I meet up with once year. We all used to work together, but over the years have moved off in different directions/locations, yet have stayed in touch. I treasure the friendships. This trip I was room-sharing with one of my bestest bud girlfriends and we stayed up half the night chatting until sleep finally claimed us.

That night, I had a really lovely dream. I was sitting with my friend in the hotel’s conservatory which, in the way of dreams, actually wasn’t the hotel’s conservatory but yet it was. Still with me? Good. While we sat there relaxing, what looked like a really large wasp flew in through the open doors and landed on the floor a few feet away from us. As we watched, trying to decide if it actually was a wasp, it began to grow and soon morphed into a beautiful red creature that most definitely was not a wasp.

As we continued to discuss what it might be, the creature grew some more, stood up, and looked me straight in the eye. I had the most amazing feeling of wonder flow through me. My friend must have felt the same, because she didn’t say anything, and believe me when she’s quiet (even in dreams) you’ve got to believe there’s something seriously going on with her. The creature and I continued to stare at each other, then it flicked its beautiful tail and sauntered off through the open doors and into the hotel garden. It was then I realised it was a fox, a mummy fox to be exact now with a baby fox clinging to her. Again, she turned and looked at me. It was so beautiful, I felt my throat catch. Much too soon, she turned away again and disappeared into the bushes.

In the manner of dreams, I promptly forgot the experience on waking. All of us girls met up for a long, leisurely breakfast before hitting the shops. Then it was lunch, more shopping, a few tearful goodbyes and my friend and I began the drive home. We did the usual recap of the weekend as we drove; recounting laughs shared, items purchased, food eaten, alcohol consumed, etc. While I always enjoy our annual get-together, I mentioned to my friend how extra special the weekend had been, with some particularly lovely moments and memories we all shared. From nowhere came the memory of that dream, and I started to mention it to my friend when she began to recount her own dream – a dream about a fox complete with clinging baby!

We had to stop the car as we both felt quite shaky, having experienced a woo-woo moment. We traded further memories of the dream and, while the details were different, the gist was the same. Extraordinary. Mind boggling. We considered that perhaps one of us had mentioned the dream that morning and it had somehow got lodged in that part of the brain that scrambles reality, but seeing as neither of us had recalled the dream on waking, it hardly seemed plausible.

So, how do we explain it? Coincidence? Shared collective consciousness?  Astral travel? My husband has his own theory and thinks it the result of too much chocolate and wine consumed the night before. Me? Well, I looked up an online dream dictionary and apparently to dream about a fox represents insight and resourcefulness, prompting the dreamer to exhibit more of those qualities in everyday life. Hmm, well maybe. Another theory states that to dream of an animal with a baby/cub represents a need to nurture the dreamer’s maternal/feminine qualities. This might be a possibility, seeing as we’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of our next guide dog puppy to foster J and I’m desperately in need of some serious puppy love. But whatever else the dream might represent, for now I’m happy to put it down to an enchanting experience shared with a special friend, representing the close and precious nature of our friendship. That’ll do for me.


Tricia, what an amazing experience. I am totally enthralled. How extraordinary that you could share this dream with your friend; that’s really special! Now, then, tell us more about you?
Tricia Jones, Author!

More about me… ok, here goes. I write contemporary romance with strong, sexy heroes who like their own way and heroines who enjoy making them sweat.

The settings for my stories are real places-although names have been changedto protect the innocent-and I love checking out those places first hand, especially if they happen to be in France or Italy. I have been known to check out potential hero material amongst those Mediterranean males…well, a girl’s only human.

Hear, hear! I am with you all the way. Tell us about your current novel: I bet it has a gorgeous, hunky male lead?

 Bull at the Gate

Alexander “Bull” McKinley’s reputation as a hard-nosed businessman is tested when an old Fairy Gate and local superstition stand in the way of a lucrative development contract. Alex has his hands full trying to convince the villagers to play ball, without the unexpected—and definitely unwanted—attraction to the feisty redhead leading the revolt.

Dee Ashman detests those who put profit before people, and she’s damned if an arrogant, insensitive and, okay, wildly attractive capitalist is going to destroy the symbolic heart of the village and break her beloved grandmother’s heart.

But they cannot deny the desire that burns between them nor the unleashed passion neither can resist.

Fabulous! You can buy Bull At The Gate on Amazon. Find out more about Tricia on her website or her blog. Tricia is also on Twitter and Facebook and welcomes your visit!

Thanks, Tricia, for introducing yourself, your book and… your dream. This is question time for the readers. Have you ever, ever had an experience like Tricia’s? And how do you explain it?

43 responses to “CentreStage with Tricia Jones: On Sharing a Dream. No really, sharing. A Dream.

  1. Wow, is that spooky or what? How extraordinary to share the same dream. Sends a shiver down me. Just goes to show you need that little doggy in your life, Tricia. And if you haven’t read Tricia’s book yet, folks, do – it’s a lovely read – far far better than the awful Shades of Grey twaddle! Thanks, Nicky, too for a great feature.

  2. Thanks for a great interview, Nicky. Tricia, that’s a powerful experience. How magical and spine-tinglingly fabulous! I wonder what mysterious and/or special sign comes next?!

    I’ve had many incredible and twilight-zone moment dreams (goes with the territory of being an energy-healing type!), but the one that comes to mind is one in which I was in an art gallery.
    I wandered past paintings and sculptures and quickly found myself in a library crammed with old and valuable books – much more my thing!
    Suddenly, my co-author was there, and I vividly remember us poring over a book together (this was before we had written much of The Cordello Quest.) I told him of my dream the next day, and he was silent for a few moments. Then he told me he’d been copying to digital his vinyl album, “Pictures at an Exhibition” the night of my dream . . .

    I will check out your book on Amazon, Tricia, but it’ll be a sample not a purchase at this stage as I’ve spent FAR (REALLY FAR) too much on books this credit card cycle. 😮

    (PS Sorry this is so long!)

    • Hi Joanna, thanks for visiting and commenting. It’s not too long at all–how else are we all going to chat? Thanks for sharing your own dream experience. I find yours and Tricia’s tales utterly fascinating. I recall having similar experiences but they’re so buried, they’re just out of my grasp.

      Always a pleasure to see you here! xx

      • *mwah* and hugs for being so welcoming!

        You can always set an intention before you sleep that if your dream has messages for you, that you remember the messages (and/or the dream) when you wake.
        I often awaken just as the dream ends – I process the info and learn what the message is – then go back to sleep. Maybe it’ll work for you if you want to try it 🙂

      • I just might! Mind you, I suffer from horrible insomnia, so if you have some programming tips for my brain to go to sleep in the first place… that would be a good start! XXX

    • Love the twilight-zone reference, Joanna 🙂 It felt a bit like that! I enjoyed reading of your experience. Amazing. Thanks for stopping by.

    • Thanks, Tricia! It was a pleasure to read your tale and find another author I can read . . . (oops!!)

      Nicky, if your mind is racing like a hamster wheel at bedtime and stopping you from falling asleep, you could try the Bach Sleep Rescue Remedy, or Bach White Chestnut Remedy. Both are supposed to be helpful. Let me know if you want any more info (I don’t want to crowd your blog!)

      Not sure where this comment will appear! It may be out of order!

      • Bless you! I have tried them all, trust me. And meditation, and yoga. And breathing. The latter three seem to make me angry, and/or want to laugh hysterically. I must be wired wrong! So I remain…an uncurable insomniac.

  3. I find stories like that so fascinating! Tricia, you must have been tapped into each other subconsciousness. Pretty cool! Thanks for sharing and your book sounds great! Thanks for bringing us the post, Nicky!

  4. I loved reading about how you “have” to do your research before writing a novel set in France or Italy, with hero material involved. My kind of research! i’m sure that has led to my kind of book. Best of luck, Tricia.

  5. Stephanie Keyes

    That is seriously spooky Tricia! I would have been freaked out. I’ve had quite a few similar sort of moments in my life and they just give you the chills. Thank you for sharing this one. OOOOO!

  6. That really proves a special ‘connection’ with your friend to share thoughts of conciousness. I have a special friend whom I’ve known all my life and we often ‘know’ things uncannily about each other or sense when something is wrong. I can’t explain it and I don’t need to – I just know it’s because he have a special bond. I love the sound of The Bull at the Gate Tricia!
    Janice xx

    • Thanks for your lovely comments, Janice. Enjoying a special connection with a dear friend is priceless, isn’t it? And I agree, it doesn’t really need explanation. Sometimes the magic isn’t meant to be questioned. Thanks for stopping by.

      • Janice, it’s exciting to hear you have that special connection going on with your friend, too. Life’s amazing! Thanks for visiting, and thanks to Tricia for her great post and all her comments back. What a fun conversation!

  7. Good to see you on Centre Stage Tricia. Definitely your totem animal talking to you through the subconscious. You might find this link useful! http://www.whats-your-sign.com/fox-animal-symbolism.html x

    • Hi Shaz, thanks so much for the link. I love the idea that the fox is my totem animal. What resonated with me was that the fox can also be a symbolic message to set a determined, and powerfully focused mindset in order to “hit the target” of our desires. Very appropriate for a procrastinating writer 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

      • I had no idea that there is such a thing as a totem animal! I should have, having been an ardent reader of native Indian stories/fiction when I was younger and totems featured very heavily indeed… just didn’t make the connection. Thanks for that, Shaz, and excited to hear Tricia found the fox to be her totem animal after all. It’s coming together….

  8. Everything happens for a reason, but how even more amazing to share it with someone with whom you are close! Lovely story Tricia, you have an affinity with animals and that is so special – that’s why the fox chose you!

  9. Spooky! But seeing as you weren’t spooked by it, ony left with warm feelings and it cemented your friendship further, it must have been a good message in there somewhere. I can’t help wondering if Richard Holmes might have a view on it. I love your book blurb, btw! 🙂 x

    • D’you know, that thought had crossed my mind! We’ll see if he stops by and shares his thoughts… Thanks for visiting, Sheryl, and for commenting. You rock!

  10. Yes, it was spooky, but in a good way, Sheryl. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, especially since writing the post, and looking for the message in it. Would certainly be interesting to get Richard’s view. Glad you liked the blurb 🙂

  11. It sounds like a wonderful experience. Once in a while a dream like that comes along that really gets you thinking for all the right reasons. I also think it shows that when there is a close bond between two peeps, like there obviously is between Tricia and her friend, it is not inconceivable that there can be a connection that goes beyond the physical….. 🙂

    • That’s an amazing thought, Richard–that perhaps closeness does mean we can occasionally share each other’s thoughts and feelings, really share. Thanks for commenting, I love your perspective. 🙂

  12. debutnovelist

    Tricia- what a fascinating and spooky experience. And if you ever run out of raunchy heroes, you can always make a move into paranormal!
    Ali B

  13. I’m a bit late here joining in – story of my life – it is indeed a wonderful story. My mom and I once shared the same dream a long time ago and we both dreamt that we were on holiday sunbathing round a swimming pool with Lady Diana – wonder what the lovely Mr Holmes would make of that one. My mom and I were amazingly tuned into each other though, I used to pick up the phone to ring her and she’d rung me instead! I still think I have a strong connection to her even though she’s in heaven now! Great post Nicky and I love the sound of this book Tricia xxx

  14. Hi Tricia, Nicky and everyone…. just remember, as I’ve been told, everyone (including foxes!) in the dream is a part of you…. So, definitely something beautiful in you, Tricia, is emerging from this dream. And in your friend too xx

  15. Things have been over the top busy here so I’m late. 41 comments, wow you didn’t even miss me. 🙂 What a great story (dream) to share. Ummm more writing material. Maybe we’ll see in an upcoming story.

    • Lavada, of course we missed you! It’s lovely to see you, thanks for stopping by. Hope things slow down a little for you… and come by and visit CentreStage some time too? We’d love to hear your stories!

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