Sophie’s Run ~ Cover Reveal #sophiesrun #cover

This is it!
Give it up for the glorious cover of
Sophie’s Run
Part 2 in the Rock Star Romance Trilogy
Coming from Sapphire Star Publishing on 7 February 2013.


Wow. I am in love. A huge Thank You goes to Amy Lichtenhan and Chad Lichtenhan for their patience, good humour, great ideas and endless cheer as I changed my mind time and time again. You see, I had various conflicting visions for this cover and Amy patiently looked at all of them, gently but firmly guiding me onto the right path. And Chad is a hero for making all the little tweaks and changes that I kept heaping upon him. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, the team over at Sapphire Star Publishing totally rocks.

Thank you for this amazing cover!


Sophie’s Run

Her famous star remains her rock while life takes her on a little detour…

Who says that the road toward true love is straight and even? Sophie is certainly discovering that it is anything but.

So she has finally found the man of her dreams. Well…she knows who he is, even though she hasn’t actually quite met him yet. When she misses her opportunity, her life goes crazy. Rock star and ex-fiancé, Dan, keeps getting in the way of her new romance—even if he is just trying to be helpful. A fire, an impromptu mini-trip with Dan, and a dreaded wedding later, Sophie is still struggling to meet the love of her life. Just as she is getting it together with her perfect man, best friend Rachel commits an act of unspeakable betrayal. And to top it all, her new boyfriend leaves her lying in the mud.

Sophie has had enough. Confused and distraught, she decides that it is time for radical change. Surprising herself and shocking her friends, she embarks on a secret journey that eventually gets her life back on track.

Coming from Sapphire Star Publishing on 7 February 2013!


Thank you very much to my lovely, amazing author and blogger friends who are taking part in my cover reveal today!
I’d like to dispense big hugs to:

A.L. Jackson
Melanie Robertson-King
Sheryl Browne
Stephanie Keyes
Tobi @ Forget the Housework

Feel free to hop on over and say ‘hi’ to these great friends!

Now the stage is yours. I’m dying to hear what you think! 🙂

35 responses to “Sophie’s Run ~ Cover Reveal #sophiesrun #cover

  1. WHAT !!!
    Here I am before the chickens have gotten up and no one is here
    I guess with Sophie’s life taking a detour, she was in such a hurry that she left her headphones and laptop thrown on the floor in front of the pair of microphones…One has to wonder WHY????
    GREAT INVITING cover to those who see the message of haste to leave her present environment to take off to parts unknown. Does one dare to open the cover to await what is to be read …. I can’t say.
    The book is not yet here for me to open to find out.

    BTW – I was five minutes late getting here 😦

    • Robin, you make me smile without fail. So glad the cover captured your imagination: mission accomplished. What’s five minutes between friends, you’re still first to the party. 🙂 Thank you for your fab thoughts and for visiting today!!! Rock on!

  2. LOVE the cover Nicky, can’t wait to read Sophie’s Run, it will sit on the Romaniac bookshelf along with Sophie’s Turn looking very glam.


    • **happy dance** Thank you so much!!! Still can’t quite get used to the thought of my books being on anyone’s bookshelf, let alone in pairs or triplets. Wow! Thank for visiting and partying today, ladies. 🙂

  3. Great cover, great story… I shall look forward to the read x

    • Thanks so much for joining the party and sharing the excitement! Hope you enjoy… it’s a few short months yet but it’ll totally be worth it, if I say so myself. 🙂

  4. Yay! Great cover Nicky, love the theme 🙂


    • Thanks so much Sue! I owe it all to Amy and Chad. I had *quite* some different ideas to begin with, LOL, a bit like with Sophie’s Turn. But I am one happy author this morning. I’ve printed this cover out and it’s gracing my wall… 🙂

  5. Eeek that is so exciting – I love it!!! I can’t wait for this, I NEED to know what happens next for Sophie and Dan, and everyone else too 🙂 Well done on another fab cover Nicky!

    • Hey Kate, thank you so much for visiting and I am so, so happy that you love this cover. I know how much you enjoyed Sophie’s Turn, and Sophie’s Run will just take the story higher and higher…The cover is perfect for it, and you’ll see why when you get to read it. Thanks for partying with me! x

  6. Nicky, it’s gorgeous ; ) Congratulations! xx

  7. Absolutely love the new cover! Here’s wishing you a multitude of success 😉 May your weekend rock…just like you! ❤ (((hugs))) and chocolate ~Janet~

    • Hey! Thanks for visiting and commenting and I see I can follow you now so… I am, hooray! Reconnected at last. My weekend shall rock, although in a different way. We’ll be decorating a few rooms in our (new) house. With rock music going on, of course!

      So happy you like the cover, it’s just the best feeling to have book 2 on the way. XXX

      • You are so very welcome! I fully understand the excitement of book 2…I’m nearly done with my rough draft, so looking to release in 2013 if all comes together as planned. 😉 Wish I were there to listen to rock music and help decorate – I love doing that sort of stuff! Have a wonderful time, and rock out for me 😉 xx

  8. It’s gorgeous, Nicky! Love the colours!

  9. Great cover, Nicky. I enjoyed Sophie’s Turn and can’t wait to read Sophie’s Run.

    • Thank you so much, Anneli, that means a lot. I love Cover Reveal day. It feels a bit like launching the Christmas season… if that makes any sense. Thanks for visiting and for your lovely comment. x

  10. Yes! Looks fab. And the synopsis … can’t wait Nicky! Congratulations (never tire of congratulating you ) x

    • And I never tire of thanking you and telling you how much your support means. (Ha, I was going to use a ‘just’ there before the ‘how’ but I am learning my lesson, as per yesterday’s post…). You are awesome and your support and feedback mean the earth. Thanks for visiting and have a fantabulous weekend!

  11. Woohoo! It looks great. Congratulations, Nicky! 😀

  12. Fabulous! It’s another amazing cover an I bet you are so excited. February will be here before you know it! Enjoy your decorating.

    • It’s a fabulous cover and I am very excited. And yes, February will come round in jiffy. Decorating is just getting started… imagine me wielding that paint brush to the lovely sound of Jon (Bon Jovi). XX

  13. It Rocks Nicky, just like you do. sieht fantastisch aus. 🙂

  14. Coming a bit late to the party, Nicky, but it’s looking good! Can hardly wait!

    • Never too late to party, so glad you like it. Not that long to go now…. meanwhile, shall get busy writing the final part. Whoa!

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